Various and special mastics

In this category you can find our best offers for various and special mastics.
If you don't find what you were looking for or you need a large supply, contact us!

Black silicone gasket - gasket - ml.200
Black silicone gasket - gasket - ml.200
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?
Bostik repair monostick metal - gr.56 - putty
Ready for delivery
Epoxy putty stick. Repairs, welds, rebuilds, and caulks metal, iron, aluminum, copper, brass, bronze, cast iron, lead and hard plastics, tubes, valves, tanks, engine parts, batteries, tools, metal, air ducts, parts of bicycles, motorcycles and cars, ducts and pipes.
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?