Punches, burins, tracing

In this category there are our best offers for: punches, alphanumeric moulds, tracing points, awls, gravers, pin punches and scrapers.

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Punches letters alphabet - 3029 8 - sicutool
Ready for delivery
Punches letters alphabet SICUTOOL, fine quality, hardened steel for punching metals with resistance up to 80 kg/mmq.
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?
Punches, numeric - 3032g 8 - sicutool
Ready for delivery
Punches numeric SICUTOOL, 9 pieces 0 to 9.
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?
? Take advantage of the Black Friday promotional price!!! ?